The 100 Happy.

13 September 2012

"We Accept the Love We Think We Deserve."
This quote has been on my mind for quite some time. I heard it a few days ago and it just stuck. What an interesting concept, we accept the love we think we deserve and how true that is. As humans we are constantly making judgments whether we will admit to it or not; how we dress, how others dress, what to listen to, who's pretty, who isn't, what to eat, who our friends are and who we want to be with. It's hard to understand how or why we're capable of caring for people who are so bad to or for us. If someone treats you nothing less than perfect why do you stay there? Because we think we deserve it and nothing better. We put up with so many things, sometimes we know we can do better, sometimes we know we are better, yet we can’t walk away. You stay, you try, you may be the only one trying. You make excuses for somebody who doesn't really care because you want them. You think you can change people when in reality no one ever changes unless they want to. You listen to the endless sorrys, sweet words, meaningless promises, your anger melts away and you believe the lies over and over again.
Truth is the moment you decide you want to stay and put up with something, you settle for what you think you deserve. If you knew we deserved better, truly knew it, you would be able to walk away, no matter how difficult it may be you would choose to love yourself. Love you. Pick you.

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